2021 Integrated Report - CCR: Live your journey.



In terms of achievements, 2021 could not have been better for CCR.

As presented in this Integrated Report, we advanced greatly in our three areas of activity – highways, mobility and airports, in line with our 2025 Strategic Ambition, approved in February 2021 by our Board of Directors. This is oriented to strengthening our portfolio both from the standpoint of the duration of the existing modalities and the pursuit of new assets that will enable CCR to be relevant in all its business segments as a means of generating value for its stakeholder groups, as well as for society.

This sequence of successes, however, proves the old saying “success does not come overnight”, in other words, sustainable growth is only possible when it is founded on a solid, structured base.

Three years ago, in the midst of the only crisis in CCR’s more than two decades of existence, our Board of Directors promoted robust structural transformations in the company, with an emphasis on the design of its governance, encompassing an in-depth review of processes, repositioning, strategic course and, most importantly, implementing an important restructuring process oriented to promoting internal talent and attracting qualified and experienced professionals from the market.

We went far beyond what the then nascent valuation of ESG elements could demand. I will not go into the diverse initiatives we supported that led to the creation of clear targets for all company employees, demonstrating that our commitment to ESG is not rhetorical, given that, in its essence, our purpose is driven by human mobility in the broadest sense, both in the operational aspect and in the incessant pursuit of the satisfaction and well-being of the millions of people who use our infrastructure on a daily basis.

Based on experience I can state with full conviction that in 2021 we updated our vision of positive impact for our business. And we did this from a favorable historical base, because CCR has always been recognized for the quality of its relations with the company’s stakeholders, for its appreciation of its direct and indirect employees and for the results it delivers.

The definition of the 2025 Strategic Ambition, the result of an in-depth review of CCR’s governance, is expressed on five fronts – customer enchantment; employee engagement; ESG, reputation and shareholder return –, thus providing a formal structure and focus for the materialization of new plans.

The challenge is to ensure that our intentions in the governance, social and environmental dimensions are increasingly materialized as an indispensable part of the company’s DNA and purpose.

On behalf of the Board of Directors I would underscore that the commitment and resilience of all its members, despite the vicissitudes we have experienced in recent years, were fundamental for the repositioning of CCR and for overcoming the challenges the company faced.

More and more, large organizations will be challenged by endogenous and exogenous factors on the path towards sustainable growth.

A natural consequence of this situation is the need for heavy investment in education and development, because only they will enable us to adapt to and address this reality.

In CCR’s field of activity, as far as we can, we want to be among the best employers, we want to inspire our stakeholders with the way we value the human being and the environment, and thus become a role model in advances and modernization.

Lastly, I want to recognize and thank our executive body and all our employees for their dedication and the excellent results achieved in 2021.

Ana Maria Marcondes Penido Sant’Anna — Chairwoman


The word “conquest” is a simple representation of what 2021 meant for CCR. It would be even better to put it in the plural because we were successful in the three transport modalities that are strategic for the organization: urban mobility, airports and highways.

“Consistency” would be another suitable word to describe CCR in 2021, because all the movements we made were aligned with our ambition to reach 2025 guided by the combination of valuing people, constant attention to our risk matrix and our capital discipline, which we deem to be the path towards creating value not only for our shareholders, but for all our stakeholders, by emphasizing social aspects, sustainability and company governance.

All the challenges we faced required extraordinary focus and determination on the part of our teams. Here I express my thanks to them all.

Our advances were widely disclosed and it is important to remember what they were:

  • we won 15 federal airport concessions, as well as the state concession for Pampulha, in Belo Horizonte. They now join Confins, considered one of the best airports in Brazil;
  • we won the auction for the Presidente Dutra highway and the Rio-Santos highway, with an innovative proposal based on leading edge technologies and reinforced by our experience of over 20 years with this asset;
  • in São Paulo, we won the dispute for the CPTM lines 8 and 9, reinforcing our position in rail transportation;
  • also in São Paulo, after negotiations that extended for over a decade, we concluded an agreement with the state government to reestablish the economic-financial balance of the Via Quatro metro concessionaire, for phase 1 of the project;
  • we concluded judicial discussions around the validity of the CCR AutoBAn contract extensions for CCR ViaOeste and CCR SPVias, as well as agreements to reestablish balance in the contracts for the same concessionaires;
  • in Paraná, we handed over the concession that was administered by CCR RodoNorte, after running it for 24 years, confident that we returned a highway that is safer and more modern than when we assumed it.

While engaging in our new conquests, we paid constant attention to the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

And our experience in 2020 ensured measures that further strengthened our positioning in this sanitary crisis.

Thanks to the advance in vaccination and the relative stability of the economy, we recorded an increase in the circulation of customers and cargoes on our highways and in our metros and airports.

In 2022, we are going to focus on the challenges of taking control of the businesses we have assumed, on the constant improvement of our portfolio of operations and on strengthening our organizational culture. And we will be attentive to all the opportunities that arise in the fields of infrastructure and urban mobility.

We are fully prepared to continue to grow in a rational and safe manner.

Marco Antonio Souza Cauduro — CEO, CCR Group


Enabling infrastructure investment and service solutions to enhance human mobility and contribute towards the development of the regions in which it operates is the CCR Group’s major commitment.

Organized as a publicly traded corporation, CCR was a pioneer in Brazil’s B3 S.A Novo Mercado, on which it has been listed since 2002. On this exchange, CCR is distinguished as a company that maintains best management, corporate governance and relationship practices with its shareholders and other stakeholders.

Every year, CCR publishes its Integrated Report, a document that includes economic-financial, environmental, social and governance (ESG) information. Through this initiative, the corporation shares its strategies to expand and manage its multimodal human mobility structure, strengthening dialogue with and accountability to its stakeholders.

In addition to complying with the Core option of the GRI Standards guidelines and CVM Resolution Nº 014 on Integrated Reporting, in this edition for the first time CCR is disclosing SASB (Sustainable Accounting Standards Board) indicators. This represents an evolution in reporting ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) data to the market.

Discussed and approved by the CCR Executive Board and Board of Directors, this document covers information for the year 2021. The GRI indicators were assured by a third party, and the content includes all the subsidiaries of the CCR Group – any exceptions are duly mentioned in the text.

The financial information is presented in accordance with the standards established by Brazil’s CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários). Data related to the GRI and SASB indicators are in general the product of analysis of the main results delivered by the company over the last three years. The report is published in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Complementary information may be obtained via the email contato.sustentabilidade@grupoccr.com.br

Credit: Ulisses Dumas

\ Value Generation

CCR \ 2021 Integrated Report: VALUE GENERATION.

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Credit: CCR Archive

\ Business Model

With less than 25 years of existence, CCR Group has been through great transformations while reinforced and expanded its mobility operations. Was born as road and highway concessionaire, extended its business to urban and air transport and today is a reference for human mobility, performing its activities on the most diverse transport modes and correlated services.

Infrastructure investment and service solutions are at the center of the CCR Group business model. Oriented essentially to human mobility, above all the company focuses on people, who are the core of its activities. In its local and international projects, the goal is always to ensure that the customer experience is transformed into the best quality of life in day-to-day travel.

To achieve this target, the CCR Group grows by acquiring mobility infrastructure concessions. Currently, it operates with different types of travel modalities: highways, airports, metros, trains, boats and light rail systems. In Brazil and abroad, the business units are responsible for maintaining and operating high added value equipment and a transportation network that carries millions of people every day.

Its assets are organized in four business divisions: Highways (CCR Infra SP and CCR LamVias), CCR Mobilidade, CCR Aeroportos and CCR GBS (Global Business Services). The model enables management more focused on the types of assets and aimed at new opportunities in accordance with the investment profile.

Employee management capabilities and technical knowledge are among the company’s main assets and are employed in the delivery of transportation service excellence for its customers. Accordingly, CCR generates positive impacts and mitigates negative ones in economic, social and environmental aspects in the communities in which it operates.

In parallel with promoting its economic-financial performance, the CCR Group has been increasingly concentrating on growing in the ESG dimensions. This means reducing carbon emissions in its activities, developing cleaner alternatives in all its processes, improving health and safety indicators for employees and customers and favoring the regions in which it operates, seeking to generate shared value.

Credit: CCR Archive

\ Market Context

CCR \ 2021 Integrated Report: MARKET CONTEXT.

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Credit: CCR Archive


The obstacles and demands caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, initiated at the end of 2019, continued to impact the CCR businesses throughout 2021. However, significant accomplishments in all the divisions generated positive effects and consolidated the company’s path towards materializing its ambitions for the period 2020-2025.


All the projects CCR undertook in 2021 and which will continue in 2022 resulted in execution requirements that the company will need to address in the coming years. Structures and teams, among others, will have to expand exponentially during the course of 2022 to ensure operation within the planned parameters. Two examples of the types of movement that have been occurring in recent months: in the CCR Mobilidade Division, the number of employees has grown greatly to around 6,900; another 16 assets were added to the CCR Aeroportos Division operation, growth which generates significant operational and management challenges. Furthermore, each division will need to meet specific requirements.

\ Strategy and Corporate Governance


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Credit: Luís Simione

\ Strategy

The CCR Group has a well defined focus for the future. In the design of its 2025 Ambition, there are clear targets in five dimensions: reputation, ESG, customers, employees and businesses. The proposal is to achieve these by strict adherence to the company’s purpose: To take care of infrastructure services so that people are better able to care for their own paths.

And focusing not only on financial aspects, but far beyond them. The projected future requires a change in mindset in the way the business is managed, and its execution depends on managers and employees understanding the transformations taking place in society.

Credit: CCR Archive




Group of companies with the best reputation in Brazil


Leader in the MSCI industry Leader


Service differential NPS


Organizational survey and attraction ranking




Preserve and expand leadership in Brazil

Preserve and expand leadership in Brazil

Conduct turnaround of current assets and gain a competitive position in Brazil


Develop portfolio associated with current modalities, and other sectors (to be validated)

Scale up Quicko

Generate ideas: innovation lab.



Ensuring continuity for the company’s commitment to its sustainability agenda, and with support from a specialized consultancy, the ESG Steering Plan was developed, setting forth strategic goals, action plans, the definition of KPIs and targets related to executive and employee variable compensation.

Further details on table below.

The process of building the ESG Plan further reinforced the question at CCR in function of the direct involvement of the Board in the discussions and approval. The strategic nature of the ESG agenda is grounded in the new governance structure developed for it. From the end of 2021, the area was placed within the Governance, Risk, Compliance and Internal Audit structure, with periodic reporting to the Board of Directors.



Materialidade, Metas e Áreas CCR comprometidas Ambiental - Mudanças Climáticas: 1. Redução de emissões de GEE de escopo 2 em 25% em relação a 2019: CEO, sim; GRC+A e ESG, sim; GBS, sim; Financeiro, sim; Comunicação e Instituto, sim; Novos Negócios, sim; Gente e Gestão, não; Aeroportos, sim; Rodovias, não; Mobilidade, sim. 2. 10% de consumo de combustíveis de fontes renováveis: CEO, não; GRC+A e ESG, sim; GBS, sim; Financeiro, não; Comunicação e Instituto, sim; Novos Negócios, sim; Gente e Gestão, não; Aeroportos, não; Rodovias, sim; Mobilidade, sim. Ambiental - Biodiversidade e Solo: 3. Taxa de reaproveitamento de resíduos maior que 22,14%: CEO, sim; GRC+A e ESG, não; GBS, sim; Financeiro, sim; Comunicação e Instituto, não; Novos Negócios, sim; Gente e Gestão, não; Aeroportos, sim; Rodovias, sim; Mobilidade, sim. 4. Restauração florestal de 1,8 hectare: CEO, sim; GRC+A e ESG, não; GBS, sim; Financeiro, sim; Comunicação e Instituto, sim; Novos Negócios, não; Gente e Gestão, não; Aeroportos, não; Rodovias, não; Mobilidade, não. Social - Relações com a Comunidade: 5. 92% de funcionários locais nas operações: CEO, não; GRC+A e ESG, não; GBS, não; Financeiro, não; Comunicação e Instituto, não; Novos Negócios, não; Gente e Gestão, sim; Aeroportos, não; Rodovias, não; Mobilidade, não. 6. 1,2 milhão de pessoas beneficiadas pelos projetos: CEO, não; GRC+A e ESG, não; GBS, não; Financeiro, não; Comunicação e Instituto, sim; Novos Negócios, não; Gente e Gestão, não; Aeroportos, não; Rodovias, não; Mobilidade, não. Social - Ambiente de Trabalho: 7. Mais que 50% de vagas de liderança preenchidas por mulheres: CEO, sim; GRC+A e ESG, sim; GBS, sim; Financeiro, sim; Comunicação e Instituto, sim; Novos Negócios, sim; Gente e Gestão, sim; Aeroportos, sim; Rodovias, sim; Mobilidade, sim. 8. Turnover voluntário de 6,13%: CEO, sim; GRC+A e ESG, sim; GBS, sim; Financeiro, sim; Comunicação e Instituto, sim; Novos Negócios, sim; Gente e Gestão, sim; Aeroportos, sim; Rodovias, sim; Mobilidade, sim. Social - Segurança dos Colaboradores e Clientes: 9. Índice de acidentes de trabalhadores empregados de 4,53: CEO, sim; GRC+A e ESG, não; GBS, não; Financeiro, não; Comunicação e Instituto, não; Novos Negócios, não; Gente e Gestão, sim; Aeroportos, sim; Rodovias, sim; Mobilidade, sim. Governança - Liderança: 10. 95% dos colaboradores treinados no novo Ciclo do Programa de Compliance (Conformidade): CEO, não; GRC+A e ESG, sim; GBS, não; Financeiro, não; Comunicação e Instituto, não; Novos Negócios, não; Gente e Gestão, sim; Aeroportos, não; Rodovias, não; Mobilidade, não. 11. Due dilligence (pré auditoria) em 95% de fornecedores e parceiros de alto risco: CEO, não; GRC+A e ESG, sim; GBS, sim; Financeiro, não; Comunicação e Instituto, não; Novos Negócios, não; Gente e Gestão, não; Aeroportos, não; Rodovias, não; Mobilidade, não.


CCR \ 2021 Integrated Report: Performance, Materiality.

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Credit: CCR Archive

\ Governance

The adoption of the best corporate governance practices and the highest compliance standards drives responsive, inclusive, participative and representative decision making, ensuring the promotion of human rights, anti-corruption measures and the reinforcement of an ethical business environment.

In 2021, the CCR Group promoted a reformulation to simplify and reduce the number of layers in its structure, optimizing operational and decision making processes aimed at driving long-term sustainable growth. The main results so far have been the de-bureaucratization of internal procedures, greater agility in contracting services, reduction in tax inefficiencies, reduction in intercompany corporate operations, improved allocation of labor and third-party costs and savings in operational expenditures.

"Materiality Matrix Graphic with links to related pages: Stakeholders vision versus CCR vision, from higher to lower adhesion, sorting values between 4 and 2: Leadership - governance; Quality of Services - social; Community Relationships - social; Safety of Customers and Employees - social; Climatic Change - environment; Work Environment - social; - Cartesian cut of Value 2.5 - Biodiversity and Soil - environment. MATERIALITY MATRIX


To access all Finance information, visit Investors Relationship website.

Credit: Clóvis Ferreira


To view all GRI AND SASB INDICATORS content, click here.

Credit: CCR Archive

\ 2021 Integrated Report

To download the complete Report,  click here.

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