Strategy and opportunities

Strategy and opportunities

CCR Group’s business growth is based on five pillars that guarantee the evaluation and measurement of economic, social and environmental impacts in decision making. These guidelines have always been present in management and were the bases on which the number of units and new businesses expanded in a solid and sustainable way throughout the ompany’s 18 years of operation.

External environment

CCR Group’s business model and the creation of value within the units are directly linked to Brazil’s economic growth and dynamism. Starting in the second half of 2017, the main indicators began to indicate the recovery of Brazilian economic activity, with the reduction of the Selic rate, the increase of exports of agricultural products and commodities, the production and commercialization of vehicles.

In the concessions of the CCR Group, the volume of traffic on the highways presented evolution in the last two quarters of the year. The number of urban mobility equipment users and airport departures also increased in the period, another sign of economic recovery.

The partnership between private sector and grantor authorities is an important lever to enable the country to overcome the various challenges it currently faces, such as improving the logistics of goods and services and mobility in urban centers.


Toll roads

In Brazil, more than 1.5 thousand kilometers of federal and state toll roads are scheduled to be tendered for concessions in 2018. These involve important commercial hubs in different states, such as Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Goiás, and others, which connect agricultural production regions to industrial areas and ports. In South America, business expansion opportunities are in countries such as Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina.

• South Integration Road

Rio Grande do Sul

• BR 101

Palhoça (SC)

• BR 364

Jataí (GO) to Uberlândia (MG)

• MG 424

Belo Horizonte to Sete Lagoas (MG)

• International Market

Colômbia, Peru, Chile e Argentina

Urban mobility

In the urban mobility segment, the main opportunities for growth of the Group’s business are in rail transportation. In São Paulo, the state government is considering assigning new stretches of the subway and metropolitan train network. In other capitals - such as Belo Horizonte, Recife, Porto Alegre, Brasília and Fortaleza - the demand for an increase in the mobility infrastructure may also create new business.

• Line 15

Metrô SP

• Lines 8 and 9


• Lines 11, 12 and 13


• TIC and Linha 7


• Bogota Subway


• Lima Subway - Line 3



In Brazil and abroad, CCR Group has the chance to expand its presence in the airport sector. The main opportunities in the country are in the secondary market, in which 13 assets already granted will be re-tendered by the federal government. In the United States, where the sector operates differently from the Brazilian sector, opportunities have been mapped out in municipalities responsible for the administration of local airports in which there is growing interest in forming partnerships with the private sector. To this end, the presence of CCR Aeroportos in that country, through TAS and CCR USA, is strategic.

• Brazil

New round of biddings (13 airports)

• Latin America and The Caribbean

Most of airports under management of private initiative

• United States

17 opportunities mapped (short list)